Project Shell: Constructing the shell with an experienced Legacy Block team Ext and Int Walls takes an average of 3 days with double blocks on ave 30 min man hr for 100 sq ft.

Project Shell: White ICF block installation requires extra bracing due to its light weight, and without bracing, is very prone to blow-outs! Additional time to brace, costs on average 4 man hours per 100 sq. ft.

Project Shell: Constructing the shell with wood or concrete (CMUBlocks) with an experienced contractor takes an average of 2 weeks, building with a CMU block takes 11 man hrs for 100 sq ft.
Thermal Performance: Using a Legacy Block the R-value rating is calculated on the whole wall, not just a section of the wall between the studs. There are no gaps that transfer heat or cold, in and out. Greater Thermal Mass overall.
Exterior Finish: Legacy Block is considered semi-finished. Stucco, stone, brick, siding and tile can be applied directly to the exterior surface area without the use of mesh, furring strips, etc.
Interior Finish: Legacy Blocks can be finished in a variety of ways including plaster, tile or stone that are applied directly to the block surface with no need for lath, fiber mesh or backer board.
Thermal Performance: White ICF R-value rating does not allow for the use of Thermal Mass in the way Legacy Block blocks do. Stored energy is not used in the normal energy time delay as it is in Legacy Block. Using White ICF you lose the advantage of temperature swings.
Exterior Finish: Does not accept finishing systems directly as Legacy Block does. Costing more time and money. Certain finishing systems cannot be applied lowering flexibility of choice.
Interior Finish: Does not allow direct application of plaster, tile or stone. Must first apply fiber mesh, lath or backer board. More time and more costs.
Thermal Performance: Using normal construction materials, the R value rating is based using the space between the studs. This is actually an incorrect measure due to air transferring in and out of this area. Utility costs will be higher.
Exterior Finish: Additional steps and materials are required for stucco, stone,brick, siding and tile. These steps also require additional man hours which increase costs.
Interior Finish: Insulation, lath, fiber mesh or backer-board would be required for finishing interior walls. These steps also require additional time for installing.